An open call to prospective students is extended by the department annually between May and September.  The application can be submitted electronically via MSc website. The selection procedure of the candidates is carried out by a three-member Committee which is decided by the departmental Assembly. The criteria for the selection are specific, quantitative and qualitative and known to the candidates prior to the procedure. Their qualifications are scored, according to the following tables:

  1. BA degree
Department Points
1. University Geotechnical, Polytechnic, Science, Finance, Human Sciences, Biology, Health and Life Science Degree Grade x 10
2. Higher Technical Education Geotechnical, Polytechnic, Science, Finance, Human Sciences, Biology, Health and Life Science Degree Grade x 8


  1. ΒΑ dissertation
Relevance to the Requested Direction  


1. High + 10
2. Medium + 8
3. Low + 5
4. None + 0


  1. Holder of an MSc
          Holder of an MSc Points
1. Yes + 10


  1. Foreign Languages
           Level Points
1. Good (level B2) + 5
2. Very good (level C1) + 8
3. Excellent (level C2) +10

* Only 1 foreign language is scored provided it is either English, French or German.

  1. Number of publications related to the environment or education
    Categories of publications Points
1. Greek conference proceedings + 2
2. International conference proceedings + 4
3. Greek scientific journal + 6
4. Foreign scientific journal + 10
5. SCI journal with IF + 20

The selection procedure is as follows:

  1. a) The Selection Committee first establishes a complete list of those who have submitted an application.
  2. b) They reject candidates who do not meet the minimum formal criteria, as they have been set by the Assembly.
  3. c) They rank the candidates and make the final selection.
  4. d) They prepare the final list of successful candidates for each direction that is validated by the Assembly and posted on the Secretariat’s bulletin board and on the Department’s website, taking into consideration the GDPR limitations at DUTH.

In case of a tie in the last position of the list with the successful candidates, the candidate with the highest degree grade (up to two decimal places) is selected. In case of a second tie, the final ranking takes into account the scores of the candidates whose BA courses are closely related to the postgraduate program.