Garyfallos Arabatzis is a Professor since 2018 and his current research interests focus on: Financing and Evaluation of Investments, Projects and Programs, Regional Development, Natural Resources Economics, Spatial Planning and Development of Mountainous and Less Favoured Areas, Special and Alternative Forms of Tourism, Energy Planning, Energy Economy and Development. He has edited 5 books and has published more than 250 papers in international and Greek peer-reviewed scientific journals and proceedings in Greek and international conferences. More than 120 of his papers have been published in international journals (mainly in international journals with high impact index which are included in the top SCI and ABS lists) such as: Forest Policy and Economics, Energy Policy, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Renewable Energy, Journal of Environmental Management, Business Strategy and the Environment, Computers and Operations Research, Annals of Operations Research, Environmental Science and Policy. The total impact factor (IF) of his published work exceeds 400 (2021). According to SCOPUS database, his published work has received 2,300 citations (h index 28).
Recently, Stanford University (USA) ranked him in the top 2% of scientists worldwide, for the year 2020 as well as for his overall work (2003-2020).